
Innovation is Social partners with senior leaders responsible for envisioning and developing programs, products and customer experiences while growing leadership capacity. Industries and topics include retail, insurance, banking, technology, enterprise software, disaster relief, health and fitness, social media, education, recruiting, professional sports, automotive and sustainability.

Engagements include leadership and team coaching, action-learning programs, talks and workshops.

Contact us to discuss what’s right for you.

Individual and Team Coaching
Accelerate Innovation Leadership and Team Performance

  • 1:1 coaching for Innovation Leaders and Founders
  • Effective techniques for fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration and authenticity
  • Innovation team capacity-building and facilitation using a “learn, do, teach” approach
  • Goal-based organizational prototyping to make the most of existing talent and identify and fill gaps before they become problems

Action-Learning Programs

  • Using your own business challenges, learn techniques to rapidly deconstruct problems, and identifying assumptions
  • Explore the most impactful ways of delivering key benefits through hands-on prototyping sessions for products, services and experiences
  • Develop rapid or “lean” experiment design to learn whether your solution solves a problem that is so important, customers are eager to buy it

Talks and Workshops
Innovation and collaboration topics including…

Rapid Customer Experience Strategy

  • Discover unmet customer needs to inspire breakthrough products and services
  • Develop prototypes to test assumptions and measure customer interest
  • Deliver an engaging first use and end‐to-end customer experience